
One of the symbols of the play is the fence. The fence in the play can mean two things. The first thing that fence can mean is what separates Troy from the devil. In which the devil crosses when its time for Troy to die. The other thing this fence can mean is a broken family. Even though Rose tries to keep the family together, it doesn't work because of Troys stubbornness.  If he never acted the way he did probably the family would have been closer. That's not the case the family stayed with all their situations and unsolved with no solution. This fence will remain forever broken. -Jennifer
Another symbol in the play fences would be Football that was part of Troy’s dream but was not able to achieve it, which he thought that his son wouldn't either. Many people are able to reach there dreams but some don't. Cory was one of the ones that was not able to reach his dream because his father believed that if he was not able to reach his dream then it would be the same thing for his son Cory, After Cory’s fathers death he had refused to go to Troy's funeral, because the way he reacted to what Cory had wanted. -Zahraa
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