

Troy Maxson: The main character in the play. Married to Rose, Has three children: Lyons, Cory, later on in the story, Raynell.

The word that come out of Troys mouth make it sound as if he is a mean person, and he has attitude, and likes to argue with others. Example on page 14 Lyon, Troys son asked Troy for 10 dollars and Troy said "I'll be damned I'll die and go to hell and play black jack with the devil before I give you 10 dollars". Which makes him sound cheap and always has something to say. Troy has the most lines in the play. Troy makes him sound like he went through everything and has no matter of talking about death. On page 10 Troy had said "death ani't nothing, done seen him done wrestled with him. You cant tell me nothing about death". I wonder what he meant by that. I describe Troy as a character that is a leader that all the other characters have to look up to and agree with what he wants!. -Zahraa

Rose Maxson: Troys wife of 18 years and the mother of Troy's second son, Cory.

Rose is one of the characters. She is married to Old grump Troy. I can tell you that they love each other but sometimes talks to her as he pleases. If I were Rose I would put Troy in his place. I would of showed him that I am his wife and the mother of his middle son. I would also show him that I ant no toy in which he could talk to in the way he pleases. I would have a very strong attitude and no patience to accept how certain people talk to me. If you treat me with respect I will do the same.In the play Rose tells Troy "man hush your mouth, I ant no dog talk, about come when you call me." She confronted him for the very first time. Yey! for her, and I think that she might end up leaving him even if he comes back to her.All I know I wouldn't handle the tone that troy uses talking to Rose. -Jennifer


Bono– Troy's best friend and obvious "follower" in their friendship.

Troy's best friend over thirty years. Bono and Troy met in jail. Bono admires Troy's leadership and responsibility at work. Bono spends every Friday after work drinking beers and telling stories with Troy in the Maxson family's backyard. Bono is married to Lucille, Lucille is friends with Rose Troyʼs wife. Bono is a really loyal friend , Troy can talk to him and he would help him as much as he could. Bono has no children its just him and his wife. -Jeaneth


Lyons– Troy's first son who was not mothered by Rose. Troy always has the impression that Lyons only comes around for money.

Lyons is a type of person that never comes and visits his family members only if he ever needs money, or needs something. Lyons is a old guy with no money or a job. His father is always calling him broke because he has no money, he came and asked his father for 10 dollars but Troy his father refused to give it to him, even though Lyons said he will pay him back, until Rose told Troy to give him it. I think that Lyons should have a job because he is a grown man he should be working making some money to feed himself and be responsible for himself. So he could pay for his needs and so he could buy things that are needed. - Elton

Cory Maxson– Troy's son who, against his father wishes, plays football and temporarily leaves his job during the football season!

I feel bad for Cory because Cory is always told to do something like clean this clean that. If I was in Cory's shoes I think that I would run away because If I cant follow my dream I would be really mad. Cory father Troy once played a sport but failed but that does not mean he will fail too. I'm surprised Cory is still there, because I would of been really pissed off. I think that Troy is jealous of his son Cory. He doesn't even let the kid have a chance to play and try it out, too see if it is what he really wants. Cory's father is acting like his father because he did not treat him the right way, his father wouldn't feed him so Troy had ran away at the age of 14. I think that Cory is going to end up running away, just like his father did. Well at least its what i think he should do. I have a feeling that Cory doesn't want to run away because he is not brave enough. -Elton

Raynell- Troys daughter that comes along later in the story.

Raynell is Troy & Alberta's daughter. Raynell was raised by Rose even though that's not her biological mother. Her biological parents past away, her mom died while giving birth and her dad just past away.  Even though Raynell is not Rose's real daughter, its good to know that Raynell will always have someone to come to with all of her problems and issues. Raynell would have never been born if it wasn't for Troy cheating on Rose with Alberta. Rose was his wife of 18 years and then he did her wrong creating Raynell but the whole family still loves her. -Mieya
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